torsdag 13 augusti 2015

Brighton 2k15 part 6: Pride

Brighton Pride was during our stay, and of course we had to visit it! It was my very first pride festival and I was very excited!
Getting ready
waiting pateintly

Unfortunately we had to wait for quite some time. Some idiot had taped a coca cola bottle to a pole to make it look like a bomb. The police had to close of wuite a big area, postpone the parade a couple of hours and re-route everything.

Pirta, Daniel (german) and me!
Finally we found out the new location for the parade and could bring our students there!

The parade is starting!

The parade was really cool and I am so happy that I got to see it. The students seemed really excited as well.  That evening I had town duty (basically walk around town to see if any kids try to skip their curfew) which was a nightmare in that big crowd (apparently 160 000 people show up for Brighton pride). But I got to see this pretty sight, which almost makes it wort it ;)

onsdag 12 augusti 2015

Brighton 2k15 part 5: Booth museum and me getting lost (as usual)

 Booth museum
One morning we split the groups in three: kayaking, sea life center and Booth museum. The museum is basically only dead stuffed animals that creeped most of the group out (including me, and I was not really good at keeping a straight face I'm afraid).

this things was cool though
On the way back we however got the chance to ride on a bus with open ceiling, guess if my group was excited!
We got to see a lot of Brighton this way

Which is a perfect reminder to show you some of my explorations of Brighton!
My neighbourhood, or Getting lost in Brighton

Brighton is very up and down. My host family lived on a very steep hill, so this was my view every (sunny) morning ;)

Our bus stop was called "Grand Ocean" because of this building that we believe has once been a hotel.
Brighton is full of cool graffitti
And the traditional coloured british doors

I spent many hours in this graphic novel shop <3

In my neighbourhood there was also this house! Do you see the Tardis sign? And the Dr Who dog K9? :D

tisdag 11 augusti 2015

Brighton 2k15 part 4: Portsmouth and Beach BBQ

One beautiful Saturday our group took the train to Portsmouth. There we looked at some old cool ships:
Frida, who absolutely adores ships, taught me the difference between a ship and a boat, and a ton of other things that I forgot as soon as I learned them ;)


One windy evening we went to the beach to bbq some marshmallows and bananas.

complete focus is key

Georgia forgot to remove the cardboard before she lit the grills. Lucky for us, we bbq on rocks so nothing caught fire ;)

In the bakcground you can see the pier :)