onsdag 12 augusti 2015

Brighton 2k15 part 5: Booth museum and me getting lost (as usual)

 Booth museum
One morning we split the groups in three: kayaking, sea life center and Booth museum. The museum is basically only dead stuffed animals that creeped most of the group out (including me, and I was not really good at keeping a straight face I'm afraid).

this things was cool though
On the way back we however got the chance to ride on a bus with open ceiling, guess if my group was excited!
We got to see a lot of Brighton this way

Which is a perfect reminder to show you some of my explorations of Brighton!
My neighbourhood, or Getting lost in Brighton

Brighton is very up and down. My host family lived on a very steep hill, so this was my view every (sunny) morning ;)

Our bus stop was called "Grand Ocean" because of this building that we believe has once been a hotel.
Brighton is full of cool graffitti
And the traditional coloured british doors

I spent many hours in this graphic novel shop <3

In my neighbourhood there was also this house! Do you see the Tardis sign? And the Dr Who dog K9? :D

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